WhatsApp Shared Inbox
WhatsApp Shared Inbox for team collaboration
Bring your team together in one place to engage customers from one contact number. Let your agents answer incoming messages and queries. Bytepaper’s Shared Team Inbox has everything you and your agents require –
- Auto-assign chats to your agents
- Include multi-agents in chat with one customer
- View 360° details of customers
- Add followup comments and history
- Add tags for customers segmentation
- Add customers to stages during followups
- Share images, text, videos, links, templates
Set predefined templates to answer faster
Reduce response time and the chances of inaccurate answers by creating templates for your team to send during a conversation like addresses, FAQs, important information and more.
Bytepaper's Shared Inbox is feature rich
If you are looking for a WhatsApp Shared Inbox with CRM features, look no more – Try Bytepaper
View 360° customer details & chat history
View complete customer detail, follow-ups, assigned agents, conversation history, Active stage, and media shared on WhatsApp.
Log followups for a better relationship
Add followups for your team to help understand customers’ needs, demands, queries and situations, in a glimpse.
Set chat reminder with customers
Create and share quick-reply templates
Create templates so your team can quickly respond in conversations during the welcome, ending chat, delayed response, inconvenience caused etc.
Move customers into custom stages
Mark your customers’ journey with custom stages. This way, it’s easier to improve engagement, and it pinpoints the customers that need your focus
Save more information with Custom fields
Create custom fields to save additional information about your customers. Create unlimited text fields, dropdowns, date & time, and multi-selection in the form